Erasmus +
We promote the mobility of individuals and groups in order to increase the quality of Education and Training in Europe to generate growth, employment, innovation and social inclusion.FMTS Experience with Erasmus+
Erasmus +
We promote the mobility of individuals and groups in order to increase the quality of Education and Training in Europe to generate growth, employment, innovation and social inclusion.FMTS Experience
with Erasmus+
Fields of action
School education
Vocational Education and Training
High school education
Adult education
- Students
- Recently graduated
- School staff
- Education professionals
- Newly graduated and newly qualified VET students
- Apprentices
- VET teachers and staff
- Vocational and continuing vocational education and training (IVET and CVET)
- Representatives of organizations operating in the labor market

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Erasmus+ is structured in three "Key Actions"
Key Action 1: Individual mobility for learning purposes
Key Action 1 (or KA1) intends to encourage the mobility of students, staff, young workers and young people. Organizations may plan to send students and staff to other partner countries or welcome students and school staff from other countries. They can also organize educational, training and voluntary activities.Key Action 2: innovation and good practices
Key Action 2 (or KA2) aims to develop the education, training and youth sectors through five main activities:
- strategic partnerships, aimed to support innovative practices and co-operation initiatives to promote collaboration, mutual learning and experience exchange;
knowledge alliances, to promote innovation in and through higher school education, together with business, and to foster new approaches to teaching and learning, entrepreneurship in university studies and the modernisation of higher education systems in Europe. - sector skills alliances, to respond to the needs for qualified people and to align vocational education and training systems with the needs of the labour market. There is no shortage of opportunities to modernise vocational education and training, foster the exchange of knowledge and good practice, encourage professional activities abroad and increase the recognition of qualifications.
- high school skills development projects to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in partner countries;
- competence development projects in the youth field, to support the development of youth work, non-formal learning and voluntary activities as well as to promote informal learning opportunities with partner countries.
Key Action 3: Support for policy reform
Key Action 3 (or KA3) aims to increase the participation of young people in democratic life, especially in debates with politicians, as well as to develop knowledge in the field of education, training and youth. These actions in particular are managed centrally and therefore more information can be found on the website of the Executive Agency EACEA – European Executive Agency for Education and Culture.VET Program
The VET Program (Vocational Education and Training) is the former Leonardo Da Vinci Program.
VET is a training program that allows students and recent high school graduates of technical or vocational training institutes to carry out training and internship experience abroad for a period ranging from a few weeks up to a maximum of 12 months.
There is a specific Erasmus+ VET staff program dedicated to school teachers, trainers in vocational training centers and companies, administrative staff, who can carry out an internship abroad.

Programma VET
Il Programma VET (Vocational Education and Training) è l’ex Programma Leonardo Da Vinci.
Il VET è un programma di formazione che permette di effettuare un’esperienza di formazione e tirocinio all’estero per un periodo che va da qualche settimana fino a un massimo di 12 mesi, rivolto a studenti e neodiplomati di istituti tecnici o professionali che intendono svolgere un tirocinio professionalizzante all’estero.
Esiste uno specifico programma Erasmus+ VET staff indirizzato ai docenti delle scuole, ai formatori dei centri di formazione professionale e delle imprese, al personale amministrativo, che possono svolgere un tirocinio formativo all’estero